Building the plane while we're flying it

I keep a list of ideas and material for these emails and articles.

I just sat down to look at it, and it all seems tone deaf.

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It’s not that it’s not relevant. We’re still having to get things done, while also managing home-schooling, a full house, difficulty sourcing groceries, worry for loved ones and the general anxiety and fear of the unknown.

We still need to lead, to be productive. In fact, the soft skills around being present, building trust and leading with compassion are more relevant than ever.

But I just don’t feel authentic sending you an upbeat little missive today.

What’s that saying? We’re all building the plane while we’re flying it right now. So, instead, I’d like to hear from you.

Write to me with three practical, real things that are helping you right now.

Simply email me and I’ll collate the responses and share them in another article. It will be great to tap into your wisdom!

And, keep well.

Madeleine Shaw

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them to make clearer decisions about what they want, and adapt faster and more easily to change and transition. I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

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4. Want to find out more? Send me a note and let me know.

5. Prefer to talk? Choose a time and it will drop right into my schedule.

Madeleine Shaw