If you did know, what would you do?
Back when I was first learning to coach, one of the first tips I learned is one I still use today.
In a coaching session, I’ll often ask a client something like “What might be your next step?”, “What might really be going on here?”, or “What would you prefer?”
Quite often, the client will answer “I don’t know”.
So I ask them:
“If you did know, what would the answer be?”
And then they go ahead and tell me.
Sometimes, we really don’t know things. But surprisingly often, especially when we’re talking about our preferences and wishes, we do know what we want to do but feel blocked from expressing it for whatever reason.
The answer is there – it just needs permission to come out.
Next time you are telling yourself “I don’t know what to do here”, try asking yourself: “If you did know, what would you do?” You might be surprised at how clever you turn out to be!
Side bonus, this can work really well with your teenager…
Until next week,
Take care of yourself and others
PS If you are feeling like you’re throwing good energy after bad at work and aren’t sure how to change things, I may be able to help. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think might benefit.
I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.
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