One step back needs two steps forward?

This week I’ve been thinking about fear versus growth.

Abraham Maslow (of the famed hierarchy of needs) wrote that in any moment we can choose to step forward to growth or back into safety. Neither is always right or wrong. But when we step back into safety we then need to take two steps forward to be where we would have been if we’d taken that single step forward initially – as illustrated in my high-tech diagram.

Hierarchy of needs

Lately we’ve had to take some pretty serious physical steps back into safety. I’d been feeling like things had become smaller and more contained. In many ways, that’s true. And I’d been feeling that with each step back, growth was getting further away.

On reflection, though, these steps into physical safety have actually taken courage.

Far from retreating into fear, we’ve been transforming – growing – into new ways of doing things, both for our own benefit and for the collective good.

I decided to notice and celebrate some of the ways I’ve been leaning forward into growth as a result of these physical steps back:

  • Learning a new daily rhythm

  • Working from home with a partner also working from home

  • Home schooling

  • Changing how I exercise (not that sorry to say goodbye to the gym, to be honest)

  • Cooking more

  • Changing how I relate to money and budgets

  • Retiring old ways of working and developing new ones

  • Investing more consciously in maintaining friendships and connections

  • Being adaptable to the changing environment and uncertainty being faced by most clients

When I wrote about this topic a while back I was exploring the idea that we need to love our fears rather than see them as the enemy – and that’s true. I’ve also found it really helpful this week to take time to notice the growth thriving in amongst what has looked like fear.

I’d love to hear where you’ve been tapping into your courage and leaning forward into growth lately. Send me a message and let me know.

Take care of yourself and others,


PS My retirement survey is still open. A massive thank you to those who have already responded. If you haven’t completed it yet (it will take less than 5 minutes), you can find it here. I’m interested in hearing from you whether you’ve already retired, or if retirement is still decades away. Thank you!

I work with clients from executive leadership teams to the front line, helping them to make clearer decisions about what they want, and adapt faster and more easily to change and transition. I use deep purpose as a key to unlock powerful thriving in work and life.

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Madeleine Shaw