Posts tagged wellbeing
5 ways to keep your cool when someone is angry at you

Sometimes pushing back can be particularly challenging when a stakeholder is angry and/or powerful. It requires a delicate balance between maintaining the relationship and respecting your own limits. Here are 5 strategies that you can use to push back effectively in these difficult situations.

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Seven tips for a smoother transition back to reality after a break

As I write this it’s my first day back at work after a summer of sunshine, relaxation, and not being in a hurry. The shift back into work mode can be rough but don't worry, I've got you covered with seven tried and true tips for a smoother transition back to reality after a summer break. And let's be honest, I’m talking to myself here…

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How to feel super good

Today I had two separate clients tell me they are feeling “super good” about their life in general at the moment. It’s not always how a coaching conversation starts!

It got me thinking about how much of our wellbeing is within our control… and how much of it isn’t.

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