Who else wants to try a social media detox?

Social media is great for staying in touch with family and friends. However, there can be a downside, with increasing research suggesting social media use can also have a negative impact on mental health.

Maybe you’re one of many people trying to change your relationship with Facebook and other online platforms. Start with these suggestions that will help you to clarify your priorities and reclaim your time.

How to Spend Less Time on Social Media:

1. Book your time

Precious hours can evaporate when you’re browsing and posting. Keep track of your activities, so you’ll see where you need to cut down. Limit yourself to one or two daily “appointments” for being on social media.

2. Set a curfew

Searching your social feeds before bed can disrupt your sleep due to mental stimulation and the light from the screen. Turn off all your devices a couple of hours before retiring. OK, minimum 30 minutes.

3. Silence your phone – sound and visuals

Do you check your phone each time you get a notification? Remove temptation by turning off the sound, banners and badges. You can curate these settings so that important notifications can still arrive. Get to know what’s possible with your phone and use those tools to your best advantage.

4. Rearrange your screen

Put your social media icons out of sight. Move them to the bottom of your phone, so you’ll have to scroll down to see them, or put them in their own folder away from the home screen. If you’re feeling particularly techie and motivated you can even use darker app icons so the bright ones, designed to lure you in, lose some of their pull.

Here’s a picture of my phone’s home screen. I use a darkened background and most of the apps are clustered in a folder that is accessed from a single point at the bottom of the home screen. I’ve found this has led to a huge reduction in me clicking mindlessly on apps just because they’re there.

5. Curate your feed

Shorten your feed by unfollowing or dropping out of groups you no longer need. If the list has stretched out over the years, you can trim it a little at a time. Notice which accounts leave you feeling worse when you see their posts. Unfollow.

6. Shrink your circle

Unfriending someone sounds harsh, but it may be the kind thing to do for both of you. If you have any reservations, you can stay connected but mute or hide their posts instead.

7. Use technology

Your phone will contain ways to reduce/manage your screen time. My iPhone lets me set screen time limits, as well as more granular limits for specific apps or groups of apps. As with notifications, get into your settings and play around with what’s possible. Some apps are like vaccines defending you from other apps you have trouble blocking on your own. If you feel like you're still wasting too much time, try installing a program like one of those recommended here.

What to Do with Your Time Away from Social Media:

1. Communicate offline

Use the time you’ve freed up to interact with your family and friends face-to-face or one-on-one. Plan a party or a coffee date. Send a letter or a greeting card. Share personal news with a phone call (soo old fashioned!) instead of a post.

2. Create a more active lifestyle

Go for a walk. Use those minutes to engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week. Train for strength, flexibility, and balance too.

3. Get a hobby. Do something challenging and enriching

Play a musical instrument or grow your own vegetables. Join a sports league or a book club.

4. Volunteer your services

Give back to your community. Contact a local charity to help organise a fundraiser or deliver meals for elderly neighbours. Work on a campaign or clean up a nearby park.

5. Plan a trip

Make your next holiday extra special. Research possible destinations and plan your itinerary. Admittedly, Covid has made this trickier than it used to be, but that’s a good reason to get creative. Be sure to leave room in your schedule for relaxation and spontaneous fun too.

6. Take a class

Sign up for courses online or at a community college. Earn certifications that will help you advance your career or study something that just piques your curiosity and creativity.

7. Rediscover the pleasure of reading books

Enjoy a lighthearted page turner or a serious novel. Browse the nonfiction section to see what grabs your attention.

Becoming more mindful about your social media activities could mean a full detox or adjusting a few daily habits. Either way, achieving greater balance will almost certainly increase your happiness and productivity. Let me know how you go!

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


PS. Want to work with me as you calibrate the different demands in your work and life? Let me know. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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Madeleine Shaw