The transition from functional expert to executive leader

The transition from functional expert to executive leader is often thought of as a quantum leap from the security of subject matter knowledge to something completely new. Really, it’s just about learning new skills – just like you’ve always done. Here’s a framework to help make sense of the shifts from graduate to senior executive leader.

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Madeleine Shaw
The Quick Wins Worksheet

Need some more bandwidth? Grab a (free) copy of my Quick Wins Worksheet. It steps you through a very easy, focused process for identifying one (or 2 or 3) simple, achievable changes to create that extra space.

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Madeleine Shaw
Not getting buy-in at work? Try this

As you become more senior, success at work becomes less about completing tasks and more about influencing other people.

That can feel difficult for people such as lawyers whose technical expertise have propelled them thus far. So what to do?

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Madeleine Shaw
7 Advantages of Taking Breaks

Many people believe – consciously or unconsciously – that a break is a reward for hard work – or worse, that needing a break is a sign of weakness. But your effectiveness and efficiency will improve if you take regular breaks. Here’s 7 benefits you can expect to enjoy when you build more breaks into your day.

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Madeleine Shaw
The right and wrong reasons to get people back to the office

On Saturday night I went to my first proper party since the Before Times. It was fabulous. There were so many people there I hadn’t seen in ages – some for nearly 30 years (how did I get to be so old?) - and some delightful new people to meet as well. It got me thinking about the right and wrong reasons to get people back in the office. Is it for community? Or is it for surveillance and control?

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Madeleine Shaw
The Influence Continuum

For many ethical and compassionate leaders I’ve worked with, seeking to increase their influence can feel difficult, because on some level they think of it as a choice between good and bad

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Madeleine Shaw
Embracing Imposter Syndrome in Your New Leadership Role

You might know of the children's game "follow the leader". The front child marches confidently where they will, and the followers tread purposefully behind them. That’s easy, because the stakes are low. As a grown up leader who isn't sure of your footing in a world where your decisions have real consequences, how can you possibly presume to take on the mantle of leader, set a direction and expect others to follow?

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Madeleine Shaw