If we aren’t machines, then what are we? I asked ChatGPT…

Let’s say it again. Treating people well makes you MORE money. OK?

It is an enduring mystery why we insist on crushing people in the name of productivity, when in fact happy, healthy people are more productive (although here’s a clue from a Nobel prize-winner in economics).

I asked ChatGPT to suggest some better metaphors. While I realise there’s some irony in asking a machine this question, its responses were pretty good. Here they are verbatim:

1. Garden Metaphor: Just like a garden, a workplace thrives on diversity, care, and the right conditions for growth. Employees are seen as unique plants, each requiring different nutrients and amounts of sunlight to bloom to their full potential.

2. Orchestra Metaphor: In an orchestra, every musician contributes their unique sound, and together they create harmony. Similarly, in the workplace, each employee brings their own skills and strengths, working in concert to achieve a common goal.

3. Ecosystem Metaphor: An ecosystem is a complex network of interdependent organisms, each playing a vital role in maintaining the balance. This metaphor highlights the importance of every role within a company, emphasising collaboration and mutual support.

4. Team Sports Metaphor: Like a sports team, where success depends on teamwork, strategy, and adaptability, a workplace functions best when everyone works together towards a shared victory, respecting each other's roles and contributions.

5. Journey Metaphor: Envisioning the workplace as a journey or adventure emphasises growth, discovery, and the overcoming of challenges together. It underscores the importance of each employee's personal and professional development along the way.

6. Family Metaphor: A family metaphor brings to light the nurturing and supportive aspects of a workplace, where relationships are built on trust and mutual respect, and where each member is valued and cared for.

7. Village Metaphor: It takes a village to raise a child, just as it takes a whole company to create success. This metaphor focuses on the communal effort and interconnectedness of all employees, fostering a sense of belonging and collective responsibility.

8. Network Metaphor: Viewing the workplace as a network emphasises flexibility, connections, and the flow of information between nodes (employees). It highlights the importance of communication and the dynamic interplay between different parts of the organization.

9. Theatre Troupe Metaphor: In a theatre troupe, every role, whether on stage or behind the scenes, is crucial to the performance's success. This metaphor accentuates the creativity, collaboration, and shared vision required in the workplace.

10. Symphony Metaphor: A symphony, with its complexity, depth, and coordination, can serve as a metaphor for the workplace, where different departments and individuals come together to create something beautiful and impactful, far beyond what any single person could achieve alone.

Impressive. I like most of them, particularly in combination. Not sure “ecosystem” is as much a metaphor as a fact, but it still works. What are your thoughts?

They all make a shift in how we think of ourselves in the context of production – from objects to subjects.

We might be operating within the corporate machine for now, but that doesn't mean we can't oil its gears with empathy, compassion, and humanity.

The overarching themes here are trust and respect. If you trust people, and you respect them, it is an I:you dialogue and not an I:it. A diverse, healthy, mutually respectful culture can’t really be sooooo scary, can it?

Nobody likes being treated like a widget, so stop treating people like widgets.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


PS: Need some help being a human at work? Talking to a coach who is outside your systems can be incredibly helpful. Let me know if you’d like to talk and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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