Seven tips for a smoother transition back to reality after a break

Well, as I write this it’s my first day back at work after a summer of sunshine, relaxation, and not being in a hurry.

The shift back into work mode can be rough but don't worry, I've got you covered with seven tried and true tips for a smoother transition back to reality after a summer break.

And let's be honest, I’m talking to myself here…

  1. Baby steps: Don't try to run a marathon on day one. Ease into it with shorter days, and before you know it, you'll be back in the swing of things.

  2. Self-care is key: Take care of your body and mind. Eat well, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. You're no good to anyone if you're exhausted and hangry.

  3. Manage expectations (yours and others): Don't try to tackle the entire to-do list in one day. Focus on what you can realistically achieve and add more as you go.

  4. Buddy up: Reconnect with old colleagues and get to know any new starters. It'll make work a lot more enjoyable.

  5. Take a break: Step away from your desk for a few minutes, take a walk, or grab a coffee. You’ll come back feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever is next.

  6. Stay organised: Write a to-do list, prioritise tasks, and make sure to keep your workspace clutter-free. It'll help you feel in control and on top of things.

  7. Keep an eye on work-life balance: Make sure to carve out time for yourself, whether it's for a hobby, family time, or just a quiet night in. It will make you happier, healthier and better at work.

So there you have it!

These tips will help make the transition back to work after a summer break smoother and less stressful.

Just remember to take it one day at a time, prioritise your well-being, and most importantly, don’t wait for the next holiday to have some fun.

Until next week,
Take care of yourself and others


PS If you’d like help as you manage competing priorities in a complicated job this year, let me know. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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