Getting Comfortable with Discomfort: The Key to Leadership Growth

My couch is super comfortable. Getting off it to work, exercise or do chores means leaving that lovely cocoon behind and getting uncomfortable. Who wants to do that?

When I do work, tasks I can tick off my list easily are also alluring. It feels like I’m getting things done – but I’m not really tackling the big things. They’re uncomfortable.

As leaders, we often hear about the importance of stepping out of our comfort zones, but it can be easier said than done. It’s natural to stick with what feels safe and familiar, and there’s a time and a place for consolidation and rest.

Even so, true growth happens when we embrace discomfort.


Your brain's limbic system is wired to protect you from perceived threats, triggering those familiar feelings of doubt or avoidance when you face new challenges. However, it’s in these moments of discomfort that your growth zones are actually activated.

So, how can you get comfortable with being uncomfortable?

1. Understand Your "Why"

Before you take that leap into unfamiliar territory, connect with the reason behind it. What’s the greater purpose driving your need for growth? Whether it's improving your leadership skills, stepping into a new role, adapting to change or just having a tidy house (!), aligning with your "why" can push you past initial resistance.

2. Use Experiential Learning

To break free from your comfort zone, get hands-on with new experiences. Put yourself in situations where you can practice the skills you want to develop, whether it’s leading a challenging project, taking on new responsibilities, or seeking out feedback. Remember, the goal isn’t to be perfect—it’s to learn.

3. Think About Discomfort as a Positive Signal

When you start feeling that discomfort, recognise it as a sign of growth (hurrah) rather than a reason to retreat (boo). Shift your mindset to view discomfort as a necessary part of the development process.

The more you confront discomfort, the less power it has over you.

By intentionally stepping out of your comfort zone, you’re not just improving your skills—you’re reshaping your brain’s response to challenges, making you a more resilient and adaptable leader.

Growth starts at the edge of your comfort zone. Are you ready to take the next step?

If you’d like to work with me as you work on getting out of your comfort zone, let me know!

Until next week, take care of yourself and others


I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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