Flexible working means trusting your team

💡 Do you really trust your team?

It’s easy to say "I trust my staff," but when it comes to flexible working or letting go of the reigns, do you still hesitate?

Trusting your people means more than just assuming they’ll meet deadlines or complete tasks—it means believing they can make decisions, set their own pace, and take ownership of outcomes even when you can’t see them.

So here’s a hard question for you as a leader:

Do you trust your team to work just as well (if not better) when you’re not there to oversee it all?

I keep hearing talk about needing everyone in the office, all the time, to build culture and let people learn from others.

Uh, no.

Certainly some time together in the workplace is great for building connections. But forcing everyone in, against their wishes, just isn’t the way to build a healthy culture.

I think this talk is cover for fear. For many leaders, flexible work can feel like a loss of control, of visibility, of familiarity.

But if you’ve hired the right people, your role should shift from managing and overseeing every move to guiding, supporting, and trusting in their expertise. It can be uncomfortable to give up the traditional measures of “who’s in the office.” But trust isn’t measured by proximity.

It just isn’t.

If you find yourself doubting, ask:

  • Am I focusing on output and impact, or clock-watching?

  • Have I set clear expectations on outcomes, not just activity (inputs)?

  • Why do I check in with my team? Is it to listen, offer guidance, and remove roadblocks? Or am I checking in to micromanage?

The best leaders lead through trust, not control.

When you create an environment where your people feel trusted, they’re more likely to go above and beyond, even when no one’s watching.

How are you building that trust with your team?

If you’d like to work with me as you navigate the new world of work, let me know.

Until next week, take care of yourself and others


I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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