5 ways introverts can develop executive presence without the “ick” factor

Are you an introvert whose skin crawls at the idea of “executive presence”? This week’s article is for you!

Last week I wrote about what executive presence is, and why it matters.

This week, I’m sharing some tips for us introverts (and hey, you extroverts can jump in too) on how to develop executive presence without the “ick” factor.

A really common theme that comes up in coaching with senior leaders is that they feel the “figurehead” (or less flattering “show pony”) aspect of senior leadership just isn’t authentic for them, and so they are worried they will never be able to truly succeed at those senior levels.

It's incredibly important to be authentic. Inauthenticity smells bad and is exhausting.

The thing is, it’s not a binary choice between “authentic introvert” and “smarmy attention-seeker”. You can keep both the authentic and the introvert bits, AND develop executive presence (which, as we explored last week, is essential if you want to have impact in a senior role). And plenty of extroverted leaders are wholly authentic.

Additionally, cultivating executive presence and influence can help introverted professionals overcome common misconceptions or biases that may exist in corporate environments. While extroverts are often associated with leadership qualities, introverts bring their own strengths to the table, such as thoughtful decision-making, active listening, and deep thinking. By developing executive presence and influence, introverted professionals can showcase these valuable qualities and demonstrate their ability to lead effectively.

All very nice. So how do you do it?

In a world that often associates executive leadership with extroversion, it's important to recognise that as an introvert you bring unique strengths to the table.

By embracing your innate qualities and being intentional with your strategies, you can absolutely have gravitas and excel in influential positions. Here are practical tips to help you on your path to success…

1. Embrace your strengths

Introverts often excel in deep thinking, active listening, and forming meaningful connections. Use these strengths to build genuine relationships with colleagues and stakeholders. Focus on attentive listening and thoughtful communication to make a lasting impact.

2. Prepare and practice

Confidence is key. Invest time in thorough research and practice before important meetings or presentations. This will boost your confidence and help you effectively convey your message.

3. Find your voice

While introverts may hesitate to speak up in large groups, it's crucial to share your insights and ideas.

Remember: no matter how it feels, you’ve earned your right to be at that table.

Start by voicing your thoughts in smaller team settings and gradually expand your comfort zone. Your unique perspective and thoughtful contributions will earn you respect and influence.

4. Cultivate strong relationships

Building a network of allies and supporters is essential for executive success. As an introvert, focus on building deep connections with a select group of individuals. Seek mentors, engage in meaningful conversations, and develop trusted relationships that align with your values and goals.

5. Make sure you get downtime

Everyone needs time to recharge, but for introverts, time alone is particularly crucial. Senior leadership roles usually involve intense days working with people in often complex and sometimes heated situations. Have a hard boundary around time each day or week where you can be quiet and alone. Don’t think of this as weakness or an indulgence. Quite the opposite – it’s a crucial investment in your capability to perform.

Developing executive presence and influence as an introvert is not about transforming into an extrovert, but rather embracing your natural strengths. Use your talents and abilities, invest in preparation, find your voice, cultivate meaningful relationships and be sure to recharge.

By following these strategies, you can thrive as an introverted leader and leave a lasting impact on your journey to executive leadership.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,


PS If you’d like me to work with you as you find authentic ways to develop your presence and impact, let me know and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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