The difference between influence and manipulation

“I don’t want to play politics”

I hear this often, and I get it. No-one wants to be the kind of person who has a reputation for sleazy manipulation tactics (well – some people must, or it wouldn’t happen).

Influencing, at its core, is about guiding others towards a common goal through clear communication, genuine relationships, and mutual respect. It's rooted in authenticity and a shared vision. On the other hand, politicking often involves manipulation, hidden agendas, and self-serving tactics. It's the antithesis of transparency and can quickly create a toxic environment.

Reluctance to wield influence can be detrimental, as it may prevent necessary actions from being taken. It's crucial to recognise that influencing, when done with integrity and transparency, is not only acceptable but essential for effective leadership.

So how do you ensure your influencing strategies remain above board? Here are a few ideas…

1. Clarity of Purpose

Always align your influencing efforts with the organisation's broader goals and values. When your actions are seen as benefiting the collective rather than personal gain, they are more likely to be perceived as genuine.

2. Transparent Communication

Create an environment where open dialogue is encouraged. Share your intentions and reasoning behind decisions. This transparency builds trust and reduces the perception of hidden agendas.

3. Seek Out Diverse Perspectives

Encourage input from a wide range of stakeholders. This not only enriches your decision-making but also demonstrates that you're not just pushing a personal agenda.

4. Reflect on Your Motives

Regularly take a step back and assess your actions. Are they driven by what's best for the organisation or personal ambition? Honest self-reflection is crucial in staying grounded.

I’d love to know how you manage this – let me know your thoughts!

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


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