Don’t wait for a crisis to focus on what matters

In a crisis, our priorities become crystal clear.

Whether it's a personal emergency or a major organisational upheaval, we instinctively focus on what truly matters—our health, our loved ones, and our core values.

Yet, in the daily grind, these priorities often get overshadowed by the relentless demands of work and the prevailing culture around us. Why, though? How can we shift the balance to maintain health and happiness while remaining high-performing at work?

The corporate world often celebrates long hours, quick results, and a relentless drive for success. This culture can lead us to equate our self-worth with our professional achievements, pushing personal well-being to the back burner.

Social dynamics play a role too. We’re deeply social creatures and peer pressure isn’t just for teens (although as a teen I did once have a swig of booze smuggled to a camp in a shampoo bottle – sorry mum and dad). The human need to fit in can make us conform to behaviours that aren't necessarily aligned with our true values.

What’s worse, the insanely fast pace of modern professional life leaves little room for reflection. We get caught up in the urgency of tasks and deadlines, losing sight of the bigger picture. Over time, this disconnects our daily actions from our core priorities, leading to stress, burnout, and a diminished sense of fulfilment.

To thrive both personally and professionally, it's essential to find a sustainable balance. Here are some strategies to help you stay aligned with what truly matters:

1. Regular Self-Reflection

Take (make!) time to regularly assess your priorities and how well your current lifestyle aligns with them. This can be as simple as weekly journaling or a quiet moment of contemplation each day. Understanding what’s truly important to you helps you make conscious choices in your daily life.

2. Set Boundaries

In the words of a wiser woman than me: this ain’t Texas, ain’t no hold ‘em, so lay your cards down, down, down, down.

Establish clear boundaries between work and personal time. This might mean setting specific hours for work and sticking to them, or making a commitment to unplug from technology during family time. Boundaries help protect your personal life from being overshadowed by professional demands. If your work culture is such that you can’t have a family dinner without being on call, look elsewhere for work. Seriously.

3. Catch your Choice Points

When faced with decisions, big or small, pause. Consider how it aligns with your core values and long-term goals. What’s really more important – getting to your friend’s milestone birthday celebration, or getting that weekly report out the door?

This mindfulness can prevent you from being swept along by your lizard brain in the momentum of the moment, and making choices that don’t serve your overall well-being.

4. Delete, Defer, Delegate

Not every task requires your immediate attention or personal involvement. Learn to delegate effectively and focus on high-impact activities that align with your priorities. This approach not only improves productivity but also frees up time for personal pursuits.

If you’re in a leadership role, you play a crucial part in creating a culture that values health and happiness. By promoting policies that encourage work-life harmony, such as flexible working hours, mental health support, and recognising achievements beyond just business metrics, you can create an environment where employees feel valued for their whole selves, not just their output.

In the end, true success lies in leading a life that aligns with your values, where the demands of the day-to-day never overshadow what truly matters. It’s counter-cultural, but it’s essential!

I’d love to know how you manage this – let me know your thoughts.

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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