4 easy ways to add mindfulness to your busy day

Mindfulness doesn’t have to mean hours meditating, or eating a raisin really, really slowly.

It just means having your mind in the same place as your body – here and now – rather than off in the past or future.

That means incorporating mindfulness into your day doesn't require oodles of spare hours you don’t have.

And why bother? Well, by practicing mindfulness, you train your brain to be less stress reactive. This means you’re not living your life in fight-or-flight mode. You’ll…

  • improve your focus

  • make more thoughtful decisions

  • enhance your personal wellbeing

  • listen more deeply to others and improve relationships

  • set a powerful example for your team

  • improve your productivity, and

  • enjoy your life more!

Here are some practical tips to help you integrate mindfulness and presence into your day without sitting on that mountaintop meditating (although that does sound quite nice)…

1. Start with Your Breath

Take a few moments each day – or several times a day - to focus on your breathing. Try setting aside five minutes in the morning or before a big meeting to take smooth, deliberate belly breaths. You can even do this right in the middle of a meeting – no-one will know! This simple practice can ground you in the present moment and help reduce stress.

2. Take Mindful Breaks

Instead of powering through the day without pause, take short breaks to reset your mind.

Longer breaks are great, of course, but even micro breaks (and I’m talking 30-60 seconds here) will deliver a return for you. Use these moments to step away from your desk, take a walk, stare out the window, or practice a quick mindfulness exercise (here’s one – look around the room and see how many items you can notice of a particular colour).

These breaks enhance your focus and productivity when you return to work.

3. Listen actively and deeply

In meetings and conversations, make a conscious effort to listen fully to others without planning your response while they are speaking. This practice not only shows respect but also ensures you are fully present, leading to better understanding and decision-making.

4. Use your commute

Set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes during your commute and use that time to simply notice what you can see and hear around you – think more chill observer than labelling, judging frenzy machine. Notice if your mind runs off into the past or future and gently bring your attention back to the here and now. Ah, even the freeway can be relaxing!

I’d love to hear - how do you integrate mindfulness into your day?

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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