Your team doesn't tell you as much as you think

You might think your team tells you everything. They don’t.

Even if you pride yourself on being approachable, power dynamics are still in place, and so people hesitate to share the full truth - especially the hard stuff. No one wants to be seen as negative or difficult, so they soften feedback, downplay concerns, or stay silent altogether.

I once worked with a leader who was sure their team was open with them. But when they ran an anonymous survey, they were stunned. Major frustrations had been bubbling under the surface - issues they’d never heard before. Not because the team was dishonest, but because they didn’t feel completely safe speaking up. This, despite my client’s genuine care.

Real psychological safety doesn’t happen just because you say your door is open. It happens when leaders actively remove the fear of consequences for speaking up.

So, how do you make it safer for your team to share the full truth?

🔹 Regularly ask specific questions—not just “Any feedback?” but “What’s one thing I could do better?”
🔹 Acknowledge and act on feedback, even if it’s uncomfortable.
🔹 Share your own missteps openly—if you want honesty, model it.

What’s one thing you do to make it safer for your team to speak up?

Until next week, take care of yourself and others


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