When to walk away

Being true to your own values and identity and living and working alongside people with different values and identities is important and actually helps organisations deliver better outcomes. However sometimes you find yourself in a position where refusing to adapt, and walking away, is the right call. This week I explore that further…

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A good leaving

When someone leaves a system – a role, an organisation, a social group – the impact on both them and the system they leave behind can be profound. When not handled well, it can lead to serious dysfunction in the organisation as system attempts to restore balance. Here are my tips for handling retirement from professional services firms.

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Madeleine Shaw
Be willing to adapt.

In this week’s blog, I share my thoughts on an article published in the Harvard Business Review regarding how it pays to be yourself. Catering to others is less effective than ‘showing up’ as your authentic self and being willing to adapt to the situation at hand. Read more…

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Madeleine Shaw
To do better, lower the bar. You heard me

If you’ve found yourself setting new habit goals and not achieving them, perhaps you need to lower the bar. These could be habits such as exercising frequently, spending more time with someone, or introducing more self care to your routine. Give yourself an opportunity to make a more realistic plan and build it up gradually. Set yourself up for success.

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Madeleine Shaw
Hate fakes? You can give your audience what they need without selling your soul.

At times, leaders can be told to improve their influencing and persuasion skills. Often, these are highly capable and professional people with significant expertise in a technical field. They may be apt at presenting strong data, significant research, and a lot of technical argument and not focus so much on emotions, beliefs, social ties and so on. There is a way that you can connect with your audience in a way that resonates with them. Read more…

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Madeleine Shaw