Is it nerves or imposter syndrome?

Butterflies? Or something more?

We all feel nervous at times—whether it's a big presentation, a new role, or preparing for a tricky conversation. But how do you tell the difference between normal nerves and imposter syndrome? And what role does self-accountability play in managing both?

Normal nerves are a sign you're stepping out of your comfort zone. They’re often tied to excitement, growth, and a desire to perform well. These nerves can be managed with preparation, practice, and a solid support system.

Imposter syndrome, however, is different. It’s the persistent feeling that you don’t belong, that you’re a fraud, despite evidence of your skills and successes. It often leads to over-preparing, underestimating your accomplishments, or holding yourself to impossible standards.

Self-accountability is a critical tool here.

When you focus on what you can control—your effort, your learning, and the task at hand, you shift your mindset. Instead of dwelling on "Am I good enough?" you think, "What steps can I take to progress this?"

Next time you feel those butterflies, pause and ask yourself: Is this just the normal discomfort of growth? Or am I falling into the imposter syndrome trap? Keep yourself accountable, recognise your value, and remind yourself that everyone feels a bit nervous at times - it’s part of the process. If you never questioned yourself, you’d be the problem… right?

If you’d like to get your confidence back, let me know!

Until next week, take care of yourself and others


I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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