How your thoughts shape your leadership

What’s on your mind today, and how’s it shaping your leadership?

You’ve probably noticed how a single thought can shift your entire mood, either lifting you up or dragging you down. It’s not just a coincidence—there’s solid science behind this.

When you have a thought, your brain’s frontal lobe - the part responsible for thinking and reasoning - sends signals to its limbic system, which governs your emotions. This interaction triggers your vagus nerve, in turn influencing your heart rate, digestion, and even your ability to stay calm under pressure. Essentially, your thoughts can set off a cascade of emotional and physiological responses.

Think about that gaffe you made in last week’s board meeting – heart rate quickens, belly churns, blood pressure rises.

Think about relaxing somewhere warm, safe and beautiful – heart rate slows, belly settles, blood pressure drops.

And here’s where it gets interesting: the process isn’t one-directional. Your emotions can also influence your thoughts. When your limbic system is activated—say, by stress or excitement—it can send signals back to that pre-frontal cortex, colouring your thoughts with the emotions you’re feeling. This can either sharpen your focus or cloud your judgment, depending on the situation.

For leaders, this two-way street is crucial to understand.

It’s not just about keeping a positive mindset—although that’s part of it. It’s about recognising how your thoughts and emotions are constantly shaping each other and, in turn, influencing your actions and decisions.

The best leaders know how to navigate this dynamic, using it to stay grounded and effective, even when the pressure is on.

So, next time you’re in the middle of a thought spiral, take a moment to check in with yourself.

What’s driving those thoughts? How are your emotions playing into them? And most importantly, how can you steer this process in a direction that supports your leadership?

It’s not about avoiding negative emotions—that’s impossible. It’s about understanding this powerful interplay and using it to your advantage.

Until next week, take care of yourself and others


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