Tired? 3 sleep tips

Zzzzzz …

Ever had a night of poor sleep, only to find yourself struggling with decisions or feeling irritable the next day? The science behind this is eye-opening - literally.

So often we stay up late to get work done but that’s like bailing water out of a sinking boat without fixing the leak: it might feel like you’re getting lots done and for a while, you do keep the boat afloat. Until you don’t.

When we skip out on sleep, our brain’s ability to function at its best takes an immediate hit, especially the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision-making, problem-solving, and emotional regulation. The limbic system, including the amygdala, becomes more reactive, making us prone to heightened emotional responses—exactly the opposite of what we need in high-pressure leadership moments.

Your immune system also dips, making you more likely to get sick and rundown, and even less able to do the things you want to do.

People who consistently sleep well demonstrate better mood stability, clearer thinking, and enhanced creativity.

Prioritising sleep is more than self-care; it’s a leadership strategy.

If you want to lead with clarity, empathy, and resilience, your brain needs rest as much as your body does.

Here's 3 simple sleep tips to help you get that great night’s rest…

  • Screens off an hour before sleep (ok, minimum half an hour).

    Apart from the adrenalin and cortisol that starts to pump around when you read work emails, the blue light from your devices inhibits melatonin production, telling your brain and body it’s wake-up time. Not good. Let your body do what it wants to do and produce lots of nice melatonin to send you off into a great sleep.

  • Eat earlier in the evening

    A full belly and a digestive system hard at work will not help your sleep. Again, help your body do its thing by allowing plenty of time to for dinner to be dealt with before your body moves into sleep mode.

  • Skip the booze

    No, alcohol doesn’t help you sleep. You might fall asleep faster as it’s a depressant that will counteract some of that email-generated adrenalin that would otherwise be keeping you awake. But your sleep quality will be, let’s just say, not good. Skip the drinks, have a great forty winks.

How do you prioritise sleep as a leader? I'd love to hear your tips or struggles on this! And if you’d like to work with me as you look to make some changes, let me know!

Until next week, take care of yourself and others


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