The best leaders do less

Dropping unnecessary tasks isn’t laziness… it’s strategic.

Most leaders focus on what they should be doing. But the secret sauce? Knowing what to stop doing.

Senior leaders don’t (usually) hit capacity because they lack ability - they hit it because they’re doing things they shouldn’t.

Yet, some common beliefs can keep you stuck in the weeds:

  • “I should be a team player and pitch in where I can.”

    Sounds good in theory, but at a senior level, doing too much yourself can disempower your team and dilute your impact.

  • “I need to stay involved to keep quality high.”

    There’s a fine line between oversight and over-involvement. If you’re still deep in execution, you’re not leading.

  • “I show commitment by being available.”

    Constant availability doesn’t prove dedication - it erodes recovery time, swallows up strategic thinking space and muddles your decision-making clarity.

The best leaders deploy the art of subtraction. They focus on high-value decisions, delegate effectively, and let go of the busywork that clutters their days.

What’s one thing you used to think was essential in leadership but now deliberately avoid?

Until next week, take care of yourself and others


I help accomplished professionals untangle difficult career questions so they can thrive in work and life.

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