How can I be authentic and adaptable at the same time?

Some people might argue that authenticity and adaptability are mutually exclusive. They might say that in order to be truly adaptable, you need to be willing to compromise on your authenticity, to bend and mould yourself to fit the situation at hand. But I would argue that the opposite is true.

Authenticity gives you the confidence and resilience to adapt in the face of change.

Think about it. When you're being true to yourself and your values, you have a strong foundation to build on. You know what's important to you and what you stand for, and you're able to make decisions that are in line with those values. And so when you're faced with a situation that challenges those values, you have the confidence to adapt and find a new way forward, because you know that the solid bedrock of your authenticity will stabilise you and carry you through.

authencity and adaptability

On the other hand, if you're not being authentic, if you're trying to be someone you're not or hiding your true self from your team, then you're always going to be on shaky ground. You won't have that strong foundation to build on, and you'll be constantly second-guessing yourself and your decisions. And when you're faced with a situation that requires you to adapt, you'll be more likely to flounder, because you won't have that confidence in yourself and your values.

So how can you cultivate authentic leadership? Here are a few tips:

  1. Know yourself. Take the time to really think about what's important to you and what you stand for. What are your core values? What motivates you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? The more you know about yourself, the easier it will be to stay true to yourself.

  2. Be honest with your team. Don't be afraid to admit when you don't know something or when you've made a mistake. Your team will respect you more if you're open and honest with them, and it will create a culture of trust and transparency.
    Of course, balancing honesty and transparency with the need to be selective with information can be a delicate dance - but it's an important part of being an authentic leader. You want to be honest with your team and keep them informed, but you also need to consider what information is appropriate to share, and when. It's important to be transparent about the things that are within your control, but it's also okay to hold back on sharing information that could cause unnecessary worry or panic.

  3. Listen to your team. Your team members are your greatest resource. Listen to their ideas and opinions and be open to feedback. You don’t necessarily need to agree with everything you hear, but when you show that you value their input, they'll be more likely to follow you when you need to adapt.

  4. Be flexible. Authenticity doesn't mean being rigid or inflexible. It means being true to yourself while also being open to new ideas and ways of operating. Be willing to adapt when necessary, and don't be afraid to try new things.

Authentic leadership is an essential trait for any leader, and it's not at odds with adaptability.

In fact, authenticity is what gives you the confidence and resilience to adapt in the face of change.

So be true to yourself, be honest with your team, and be willing to adapt when necessary. Your team will follow you, no matter where you need to go.

Until next week,
Take care of yourself and others


PS If you’d like help as you balance authenticity and adaptability in your leadership, let me know. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think may benefit.

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