Three counterintuitive tips for dealing with overwhelm as a senior leader

As a senior leader, you have a huge amount on your plate. Feeling overwhelmed is a common experience. Traditional advice like prioritising tasks, taking breaks, and seeking support is sound, but sometimes these tips may not be enough to effectively manage the pressures and demands of a leadership role.

So, let’s freshen it up. Here are three counterintuitive tips for dealing with overwhelm that may challenge your assumptions and help you approach the never-ending to-do list in a new way…

1.   Embrace the chaos: When you're feeling overwhelmed, it's natural to try and regain control by organising your tasks and creating detailed plans. However, sometimes embracing the chaos and letting go of the need for control – at least to some extent - can be transformative.

Instead of trying to impose order, allow yourself to be flexible and adaptable. You may find that unexpected opportunities arise when you're open to the chaos.

2.   Say "no" more often: As a senior leader, it's easy to fall into the trap of saying "yes" to every opportunity that comes your way, particularly when you’re new to the role or organisation and trying to impress. However, this can quickly lead to burnout and overwhelm. Counterintuitively, saying "no" more often can actually be beneficial. By setting boundaries and focusing on your priorities, you can reduce your workload and free up time for the tasks that truly matter.

3.   Emphasise quality over quantity: In a leadership role, there's often pressure to produce results quickly and efficiently. However, focusing solely on quantity can lead to a never-ending to-do list and a feeling of overwhelm. Instead, focus on producing high-quality work, even if it takes a bit longer. It’s imperative to carve out time in your day and week for unhurried thinking. By prioritising quality over quantity, you'll reduce your workload and improve the overall effectiveness of your work.

So: when dealing with overwhelm in a senior leadership role, it can be helpful to embrace the chaos, say "no" more often, and emphasise quality over quantity. While these tips may seem counterintuitive, they can help you reduce stress and achieve greater success in the long run. Let me know what you think!

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others,

PS If you’d like help as you grapple with overwhelm at work, let me know. Send me a message to enquire, and please share with anyone you think may benefit

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