Leaving loudly shows your team they can do the same

So you say you trust your team? OK, here’s a few ways to demonstrate it.


  • Sneak out of the office quietly at the end of the day.

  • Make your team feel guilty for wanting to leave on time.

  • Ignore the importance of work-life balance.


  • Leave loudly to signal your support for flexible working. When you leave the office at a reasonable hour or choose to work remotely, announce it to your team. For example, say, “I’m heading out to go for a walk. See you all tomorrow!”

  • Set a positive example. By openly practising work-life balance, you show your team that it’s not just a theoretical concept but a do-able reality. This simple act can shift the workplace culture, making it clear that flexible working is supported from the top down.

  • Trust and empower your team to manage their work in a way that suits their lives best. By leading with this behaviour, you reduce the stigma around leaving on time and encourage everyone to prioritise their personal responsibilities and interests outside of work.

Remember, as a leader, your actions set the tone. Leave loudly, and watch your team thrive.

Do you do this? Have you worked for a leader who does? Share your story!

Until next week,

Take care of yourself and others


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