Posts tagged Time Management
Out of control? How to reframe your relationship with time when the day runs amok

Do you ever feel like the day has a mind of its own, slipping out of your grasp and leaving you feeling frazzled and unproductive? Because I never have. 
Kidding, of course! Probably all of us have experienced the frustration of lost control over our day. 
But what if we shifted our perspective and realised that it's not about how we tame the day, but rather about how we relate to it? 

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6 simple tips to help you bring some clarity to your day

In 1999, when email was nascent and accessing the internet meant a visit to the specially connected computer in the library, clearing clutter meant keeping on top of the movement of physical paper and files. These days it’s digital clutter that can cloud the mind and get in the way of clear thinking.

Here are 6 simple tips to help you bring some clarity to your day.

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