Work or life? Let's ask a different question

While your “work” and “life” drivers are fighting you choose “staying back to finish this advice and getting it to the client tonight” over “logging off, going home, and picking it back up in the morning”. You then feel bad, resentful and guilty for ignoring the part of you that wants you to go home. Or, you override that and choose to go home… but then can’t relax because you’re worried about the work still needing to be done

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Madeleine Shaw
Write your not-to-do list

The dominant message we hear is that more, more, more is always better. It’s countercultural to say no – but if it frees up your time for what matters to you, then “no” can be your secret superpower.

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Madeleine Shaw
How to feel more confident in meetings: the science tells us to use both facts and emotion

Ever thrown every fact in the book at someone, but failed to budge them? Or conversely, how often have you sat firm in an opinion despite the best efforts of someone to convince you that you were wrong? It happens when people use facts to try and persuade – when emotions work much more convincingly.

To be more effective and confident in a big meeting or interview, ask yourself this one question.

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Madeleine Shaw