New team dramas? Some thoughts on settling the system

As a leader, you know that building a strong team is crucial for success.

Systems and constellations theories provide some good insights to help take your team through the tricky “storming” phase and into high performance.

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5 ways to keep your cool when someone is angry at you

Sometimes pushing back can be particularly challenging when a stakeholder is angry and/or powerful. It requires a delicate balance between maintaining the relationship and respecting your own limits. Here are 5 strategies that you can use to push back effectively in these difficult situations.

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Out of control? How to reframe your relationship with time when the day runs amok

Do you ever feel like the day has a mind of its own, slipping out of your grasp and leaving you feeling frazzled and unproductive? Because I never have. 
Kidding, of course! Probably all of us have experienced the frustration of lost control over our day. 
But what if we shifted our perspective and realised that it's not about how we tame the day, but rather about how we relate to it? 

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Seven tips for a smoother transition back to reality after a break

As I write this it’s my first day back at work after a summer of sunshine, relaxation, and not being in a hurry. The shift back into work mode can be rough but don't worry, I've got you covered with seven tried and true tips for a smoother transition back to reality after a summer break. And let's be honest, I’m talking to myself here…

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